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The SurvivalRing Blog...what's going on in Saving The World...

My Blog for the SurvivalRing website.....
"Study Yesterday...Prepare Today...Live Tomorrow."

Monitoring U.S. Homeland Security

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Busy week at school this week....lots of work, lots of lab time, and lots of new ideas popping into my head.

Spent a few hours Sunday evening redoing the SurvivalRing homepage, to speed up initial entry into the site, as the page have grown to over 200k in size with everything finally loaded. Also updated the US Nuke Targets page with new links, a couple of extra maps, and extra features, and editing a couple of other small files as well.

Other than that, I am doing some major rework of my site tools, and will be focusing on fixing and upgrading every single file download on the website. Of course, having to use automation, because of the extremely large collection of files, but will be working on it.

Still having dialup problems, staying online, and connecting over 20k speed, so until DSL gets installed here in a couple of weeks, I'll have to do little bits and pieces.

Got to run to class...more audio lab tonight....more tomorrow...



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