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The SurvivalRing Blog...what's going on in Saving The World...

My Blog for the SurvivalRing website.....
"Study Yesterday...Prepare Today...Live Tomorrow."

Monitoring U.S. Homeland Security

Tuesday, October 16, 2001

With THIS update....

First, a couple of links....

My mirror of the incredible survival resource,
Nuclear War Survival Skills is RECOMMENDED. In these times of heightened global tensions, having ways to stay safe SHOULD the ultimate nightmare occur, is just good common sense. Tested in REAL nuclaer tests, expedient shelter could save MILLIONS of American lives. Read the book, order a paper copy, and pass the word....it could be YOUR life that is saved someday in the future...

Another new function on SurvivalRing, as mentioned in my last update here, is my SurvivalRing BBS. Threaded messages, lots of interesting topics, great FAST ways to communicate...all make it worth your time to check it out. Drop in today, and leave us a little piece of your mind....

Now, the main addition of this weeks SurvivalRing BLog addition....

As I mentioned last time, many media reps are contacting me about who.what.where.why when it comes to Being Prepared. For the first time, I have seen SurvivalRing mentioned by name.

Of course, as I expected, the author of the piece in question, used every possible intricacy to make his article stand out as much as possible, with as much subtlety as a lead pipe, in making OTHERS seem somehow "extra-normal"....odd....worthy of closer scrutiny to see that not EVERYONE is wierd...only people of certain...shall we say...."taste"...or better yet ...."unique background". In other words, the main message should have been .....PREPARE for REAL LIFE....not "make fun of the fool on the hill."

Enough comment, for the moment. Read the article below, and then read my pithy statement of fact afterwards. The truth WILL set you free....


The Fear Factor
Since Sept. 11, everyone wants survivalists' advice: Inquiries flood web
sites: 'All of a sudden ... I became real smart and mainstream'
Jonathon Gatehouse
National Post

National Post

(c) National Post 2001. All Rights Reserved.

Long derided as kooks and wackos, North American survivalists are finding
vindication in the Sept. 11 terror attacks, as a frightened public seeks
out information and equipment to protect their families from chemical and
biological strikes.

Sales of bomb shelters are booming and traffic on Web sites that preach the
inevitability of the apocalypse is at an all time high.

"For so long, anyone interested in defence issues was labelled as a
right-wing radical nut," Sharon Packer, owner of Utah Shelter Systems, an
American manufacturer of survival systems, said yesterday. "All of a sudden
three weeks ago, I became real smart and mainstream."

Ms. Packer, whose company also distributes elaborate Swiss-made air filters
that claim to offer protection against toxic chemicals and malignant
microbes, is now fielding as many calls in a week as she used to in a
month. Since Sept. 11, she said, the firm has sold six of its blast-proof
steel huts, at prices ranging from US$16,000 to US$34,000, and more than
two dozen of its US$5,000 filter packs.

"I'm getting a lot of calls from New York and Virginia," said Ms. Packer.
"It's mostly people I've never talked to before."

Many customers are looking to upgrade 1950s-vintage fallout shelters,
adding protection against more modern threats. Ms. Packer, said her clients
are generally professionals. "Survivalists don't have this kind of money,"
she said.

The new-found willingness of American politicians to openly discuss
worst-case scenarios -- on Sunday, Tommy Thompson, U.S. Health and Human
Services Secretary, told 60 Minutes his government has stockpiled enough
antibiotics to treat two million people for 60 days in the event of an
anthrax attack -- also appears to have caused a virtual stampede to
Internet sites and chat groups dedicated to sharing survival knowledge.

Bruce Beach, a retired Ontario school teacher who owns what is perhaps
North America's largest private bunker -- a complex of 42 buried school
buses -- said traffic on his Web pages is off the scale.

"I get more e-mails in a day now than I used to get in a year," said Mr.

Two well known American survivalist sites have been shut down because the
overwhelming number of people trying to log on was crashing servers, he

Mr. Beach said most of the people contacting him are looking for very
specific advice -- where they can move to be safe or what they need to
survive an all-out war.

Although his shelters were recently welded shut by court order after the
Ontario Fire Marshall deemed them a hazard, Mr. Beach said he and the 50 or
so people in his group are at a high state of readiness. "We're more
prepared than you can comprehend."

A search of the Internet reveals similarly heightened interest in other
survivalist Web sites.

The "Survival and Preparedness" chat room hosted by the Dominion Group,
another Canadian organization, has 437 posted messages.

"Is it better to dig a cave verses a whole (sic) covered three feet with
earth?" a visitor using the name Mentor4U, asked earlier this week.

The survivalring.org, a series of information pages and links run by a
Wyoming McDonald's manager, claims to be receiving several hundred hits a

"Get your butts in gear and get some personal storage around you -- a
backpack, an athletic bag, a big purse -- and keep at least a litre bottle
of water, personal meds, some storable food, copies of important personal
docs, a pocket radio/TV, flashlight, batteries, contact names and numbers
of your loved ones," reads a recent entry from Richard Fleetwood, the
webmaster. "Keep your pack/bag with you AT ALL TIMES."

Even official government disaster planning bodies are reporting a surge in

The Department of National Defence's Office of Critical infrastructure
Protection and Emergency Preparedness, says requests for information have
soared. "The same thing happened with Y2K," said Tom Kelly, an information
officer. "It's a big awareness thing."

# # #

Yes, in an HOUR long phone interview with Mr. Gatehouse, all that he got from the conversation was NOTHING....the snippet he mentions in the article above, comes from a recent UPDATE to the SurvivalRing homepage. Nothing mentioned about simply preparing for things such as storms, natural disasters, accidents, health emergencies...only PREPARE NOW ( for the next terrorist attack ).

Thanks, Mr. Gatehouse. At least you got the URL right, for my website. Now, thousands of folks who take the time, can get a HECK of a lot more information then you could EVER give in a THOUSAND of your articles.

Folks, bad stuff happens..Current trend infers mostly terrorist threat, by way of warning from OUR Ameican government....

*I* am listening...I hope YOU are, too...

Founder of SurvivalRing